Here Hitbox version 3.02 shall be explained and I'll open it to comments and criticisms.
Remember, this is for my own use for playing and hopefully players will adopt this form for their own use playing or game-mastering.
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HitBox official version 3.02 but denoted 4 (rev. 12.22.2014) |
Player Name: is the owner/user of this form and the one in charge of updating (Last Updated) and giving to the GM for his records.
Type: in my games there are many combat/party styles. They are the following (but not limited to) :
Melee: Hand to Hand
Melee: Ranged
Spell : Arcane
Spell : Divine
These types are important because they share the same similar skill sets and thus makes for vastly simpler character generation.
Class (Character Level): as your PC progresses in level/difficulty it's keen to keep track of the class' level and the overall character level. How this is done is left upto the player but ultimately the total should be displayed apart from the class(es).
What is the difference between Hitbox versions (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4) ?
Some more information is put into the HBX, displayed in grey, and additions to the previous versions for ease-of-use and visibility.
- Of late these will be minor updates to the previous version. Official (12/22/14) is 3.02 but shall be referred to as Version 4.
Along the top row of HitBox4 you see numbered columns followed by REZ and DEAD. This is to signify how bad the penalties are to all die rolls for each column breached. Once you have the hit points for that column after the first then you suffer a -2, -3, or -4 penalty on all rolls. If you suffer enough damage to reach negative ten percent of your total health (HP by level, plus only bonuses from Constitution) you are no longer combat capable and are category REZ (or resurrectable). If for some reason you suffer a negative total equal to your total health then you are by no further means resurrectable even by deific means and you are category DEAD (please give this sheet to the GM. it may be burned, spindled, mutilated, shredded, sent to its grave, but never brought back to use... ever).
HD: Hit Dice : the bigger they are the bigger they hit, fall, and longer to heal. The idea of having this here is so that when you get hit or land a hit which causes such traumatic damage that instead of lesser hit points (HP) you plainly can see the effects of combat. If something attacking you is double your HD there's a good chance of an insta-kill.
HP: Hit Points : a good way to fine-line between different stages of recovery columns.
Greyed out is a reminder what to put where and how much.
BAB : Base Attack Bonus : for heavy combat adventures/campaigns please use Pathfinder's rules on this. In DnD 5E there are rare mentions of multiple attack combinations (multiattacks). Most 5E are listed as a bonus to hit the DC and nothing else. This harkens back to 1E where multiple attacks were unheard of.
- In the case of heavy combat games the greyed out portions are:
Main Hand (MH), Off Hand (OH), second MH attack (MH2), second off hand attack (OH2), attack while Hasted (HASTE), and if you are level enough with enough training you may be able to pull off a Lucky Shot (LUCK (MH-25) where your DC is +25 higher/harder.
AC : Armor Class : is how well defensive you are. Armor, shields, magical devices, martial techniques, and combat feats provide you with bonuses as well as your DEX.
- BEST : is your total overall best AC which is the DC. Add up everything you have equipped.
- TOUCH : (Pathfinder rule) Some attacks completely disregard armor, including shields and natural armor—the aggressor need only touch a foe for such an attack to take full effect. In these cases, the attacker makes a touch attack roll (either ranged or melee). When you are
the target of a touch attack, your AC doesn’t include any armor bonus, shield bonus, or natural armor bonus. All other modifiers, such as your size modifier, Dexterity modifier, and deflection bonus (if any) apply normally. Some creatures have the ability to make incorporeal touch attacks. These attacks bypass solid objects, such as armor and shields, by passing through them. Incorporeal touch attacks work similarly to normal touch attacks except that they also ignore cover bonuses. Incorporeal touch attacks do not ignore armor bonuses granted by
force effects, such as mage armor and bracers of armor.
- FLAT : Flat-Footed : (Pathfinder rule) At the start of a battle, before you have had a chance to act (specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order), you are flat-footed. You can’t use your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) while flat-footed. Barbarians and rogues of high enough level have the uncanny dodge extraordinary ability, which means that they cannot be caught flat-footed. Characters with uncanny dodge retain their Dexterity bonus to their AC and can make attacks of opportunity before they have acted in the first round of combat. A flat-footed character can’t make attacks of opportunity, unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat.
RESIST : previously you had Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower with the Pathfinder rules system. This is no longer the case in DnD5E. Instead you now have a bonus to Saving Throws (Saves) with some races and some class ability modifiers. Example: dwarves are resistant to poison, elves to magic and charm, halflings to fear and the like.
- This area is for specific resistances and immunities. If they can be dealt with modifiers from race or class they need not be listed here.
Added to the 1.x - 2.x HitBox is the new "Expeditious Levelling" (explained below), and a place to keep track of the PC's abilities, their modifiers, their move, and initiative (self explanatory).